Friday, January 1, 2010

Buy a clutch

Clearly she's not as wealthy as she purports herself to be.

I was at a friend's birthday party.  My friend elected to throw the bash at her backyard, and perhaps compensated for the modest setting by hiring a caterer.  But since her house is in a gated subdivision, guests still dressed 2 stud earrings short of The Palms Casino.

I was lucky to have chosen to wear shoes--I mean, I did walk out of the house in slippers.  I thought to myself it was gonna be just like another impromptu drinking session our group was wont to having. Besides, the celebrant and I are neighbors.

Just when I was debating on whether I was going to keep to my diet or have another slice of chocolate cake, this Birkin 40 flashed before me. Who brings a Birkin to a house party?

Ok, so she wanted to boast of whatever.  Hey, woman with the big purse, can you spell noveau riche? Classy people don't bring Birkins to casual house parties.  And if they do, they'd bring a size 30 at the most.

Day bags are called such because they are.  Birkin 40s don't have a respectable place in an evening party.  If you were really as wealthy as your taste in bags pretends to be, you would have already afforded a size 28 Kelly.  What's in your bag anyway?  A birthday cake?  A change of outfit?

Prada has pretty clutches, bitch.


  1. Hey, dandy! So, here is that long overdue rant FINALLY. Great way to start 2010! :)

  2. GUESS WHO! What can I say...vonggah! You brought Buddha Jones to life by typingin the first letter! This is the start of something great, I can feel it! Keep on it, at least once a week, even while you are in you know where! Luv ya and luv your writing, no matter what it's about! :)

  3. thank you, name-giver. your role in this endeavor is instrumental. i love you, too. *mwah*

  4. Hmmm, was this party by any chance in Valle 1?

    Sometime in mid-2009? Haha I think I was there...

  5. OMG, lads! SSSSHHHH!!! actually there are pics of her and the bag in FB! oh, i'm sure she has her reasons. and, well, i also have mine. hahaha. at least i didn't blurt out her name and where the party was, right?
